EPP Status Codes

Client Status Codes Set by Domain's Registrar

clientDeleteProhibited This status code tells your domain's registry to reject requests to delete the domain.

clientHold This status code tells your domain's registry to not activate your domain in the DNS and as a consequence, it will not resolve. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, non-payment, or when your domain is subject to deletion.

clientRenewProhibited This status code tells your domain's registry to reject requests to renew your domain. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes or when your domain is subject to deletion.

clientTransferProhibited This status code tells your domain's registry to reject requests to transfer the domain from your current registrar to another.

clientUpdateProhibited This status code tells your domain's registry to reject requests to update the domain.

Server Status Codes Set by Domain's Registry

addPeriod This grace period is provided after the initial registration of a domain name. If the registrar deletes the domain name during this period, the registry may provide credit to the registrar for the cost of the registration.

autoRenewPeriod This grace period is provided after a domain name registration period expires and is extended (renewed) automatically by the registry. If the registrar deletes the domain name during this period, the registry provides a credit to the registrar for the cost of the renewal.

inactive This status code indicates that delegation information (name servers) has not been associated with your domain. Your domain is not activated in the DNS and will not resolve.

ok(active) This is the standard status for a domain, meaning it has no pending operations or prohibitions.

pendingCreate This status code indicates that a request to create your domain has been received and is being processed.

pendingDelete This status code may be mixed with redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore. In such case, depending on the status (i.e. redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore) set in the domain name, the corresponding description presented above applies. If this status is not combined with the redemptionPeriod or pendingRestore status, the pendingDelete status code indicates that your domain has been in redemptionPeriod status for 30 days and you have not restored it within that 30-day period. Your domain will remain in this status for several days, after which time your domain will be purged and dropped from the registry database. Once deletion occurs, the domain is available for re-registration in accordance with the registry's policies.

pendingRenew This status code indicates that a request to renew your domain has been received and is being processed.

pendingRestore This status code indicates that your registrar has asked the registry to restore your domain that was in redemptionPeriod status. Your registry will hold the domain in this status while waiting for your registrar to provide required restoration documentation. If your registrar fails to provide documentation to the registry operator within a set time period to confirm the restoration request, the domain will revert to redemptionPeriod status.

pendingTransfer This status code indicates that a request to transfer your domain to a new registrar has been received and is being processed.

pendingUpdate This status code indicates that a request to update your domain has been received and is being processed.

redemptionPeriod This status code indicates that your registrar has asked the registry to delete your domain. Your domain will be held in this status for 30 days. After five calendar days following the end of the redemptionPeriod, your domain is purged from the registry database and becomes available for registration.

renewPeriod This grace period is provided after a domain name registration period is explicitly extended (renewed) by the registrar. If the registrar deletes the domain name during this period, the registry provides a credit to the registrar for the cost of the renewal.

serverDeleteProhibited This status code prevents your domain from being deleted. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

serverHold This status code is set by your domain's Registry Operator. Your domain is not activated in the DNS.

serverRenewProhibited This status code indicates your domain's Registry Operator will not allow your registrar to renew your domain. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes or when your domain is subject to deletion.

serverTransferProhibited This status code prevents your domain from being transferred from your current registrar to another. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal or other disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

serverUpdateProhibited This status code locks your domain preventing it from being updated. It is an uncommon status that is usually enacted during legal disputes, at your request, or when a redemptionPeriod status is in place.

transferPeriod This grace period is provided after the successful transfer of a domain name from one registrar to another. If the new registrar deletes the domain name during this period, the registry provides a credit to the registrar for the cost of the transfer.

For more please visit: DomainStatus.cn*click